
  • The Gottman Method is a type of couples therapy that's based on over 40 years of research. It helps couples build stronger, more fulfilling relationships by teaching them practical skills to improve their communication, understand each other better, and work through conflicts in a healthier way. It's like a toolbox full of techniques and strategies to make your relationship better and happier. It's designed to be straightforward and practical, so you can use it in your day-to-day life.

  • The Gottman Relationship Checkup is like a relationship health check-up, but much more fun and insightful! It's a questionnaire designed to help therapists like me, understand your relationship better. Think of it like a map that shows me where you're doing really well and where there might be some bumps in the road.

    It asks you both a series of questions about different aspects of your relationship, like communication, trust, intimacy, and more. It's not a test or a judgment, it's just a way for me to get a clear picture of what's going on for you both.

    Once I have the results, it's like having a tailored plan to make your relationship even better. We can focus on the areas that might need a little extra attention and celebrate the things you're already doing amazingly well. It's like giving your relationship a boost of energy and understanding, so you can enjoy even more love and happiness together!

  • Individual sessions are 60 minutes, with 50 minutes dedicated to client interaction and 10 minutes for administrative tasks like note-taking, referrals, and session preparation.

    For couples, sessions are 60 minutes, with 50 minutes of direct contact and 10 minutes for administration. I also invest approximately 1hr analysing the Gottman Questionnaire once you have completed it, however there is no additional charge for this.

    The first appointment for both individuals and couples is focused on getting to know and understand you, as well as beginning to establish trust and rapport. Trust and rapport develop over time and are crucial for enabling you to feel comfortable and open in sharing your thoughts and feelings.

    The number of sessions is led by you, and the goal is to eventually cease therapy when you feel you have met your therapeutic goals. I am always available to provide further support at any point in the future.

    For Couples, the Relationship Checkup questionnaire is returned prior to the first individual appointment so that I have a really good understanding of you both, your challenges and opportunities and all the things that are already working for you. This saves a lot of time and we can get to work really quickly!

  • Most problems have been with you for some time and are rarely resolved in one or two sessions. That said, you are the driver in your therapy and the duration is determined by your needs.

    Couples therapy is an initial commitment of 3 sessions before ongoing therapy. This allows for a joint session and individual sessions so that I can fully understand your situation and have a clear plan of support.

    Individual therapy is a process determined on client needs and goals of therapy. You and I can work out this plan.

  • Individual Counselling- $175 60mins

    Couples Counselling $275 60 mins

  • Relationship therapy for couples is not covered by Medicare.

  • A referral is not necessary and Couples Therapy is non medicare reimbursable. However, sometimes another allied health professional or a GP will write a client or couple a referral to Relationship Reconnection. However, this is not necessary and you do not need to go to the doctor specifically for a referral. Please trust that should you wish us to include other professionals in your ongoing treatment, we engage closely with them to facilitate this for you.

  • Appointments are initially scheduled by contacting me via the website. I will get back to you very quickly and together we work out the most convenient time to meet, based on my availability and your schedule.

    Subsequent appointments are usually made at the end of each appointment.

    PLEASE NOTE: Relationship Reconnection does not provide crisis support. If you are requiring urgent or life saving support please call 000 immediately.

  • YES! For your convenience I offer before and after work appointments on various days over the course of the week. Saturday appointments are also available. Please make contact if you prefer Telehealth appointments, which can be accommodated for most appointments, except initial Phase 1 Couples appointments.

  • Never. The size of a problem is relative to how it is impacting your life. If it is a problem to you, it is a problem to me. I don’t judge people by the size of their problems, I promise.

  • It is common for people to feel “stuck” and hopeless about therapy and past therapeutic attempts. The fact you are here considering therapy again, means that you do value something about your past experience and wish to explore it further now. Talk to me about these feelings and together we will out work how therapy might help you this time. I help you identify your goals of therapy, and I will listen and care about your past experiences and hope for therapy this time. Together we can agree on your goals and a plan forward.