Relationship Counselling


How can Relationship Counselling help you?

Finding yourself here usually means you could use some help

Stepping into couples therapy can feel like embarking on a journey with no clear map - a mix of hope, a touch of skepticism, and a whole lot of questions - “how can anything help us now?”. You might have hesitated to voice your relationship concerns, fearing that doing so would somehow solidify them. You have carried the burden of your unhappiness all alone. That's where I come in - as an impartial observer, I'm here to listen without judgment.

Are you finding yourselves stuck in the classic disputes - kids, cash, and the age-old "whose family gets Christmas this year?" These are the greatest hits of couple disagreements! Have these familiar arguments become a loop, with no resolution in sight? It's enough to make even the most patient partners wonder, "Is this our life now?" Usually this is met with “I cant live like this forever.”

But here's the silver lining - you're not in this alone. While the path ahead might be a bit unclear, together we'll navigate it. The desire for a more harmonious relationship is the compass that guides us forward.

In this therapeutic space, I promise to be your guide and sounding board. We'll delve into the heart of these recurring themes, armed with effective strategies. The goal? A partnership that harmonises better, leaving those old tunes behind. Imagine for a moment - what if these problems were resolved? Picture a future where communication flows, decisions feel right, and you're both genuinely heard and understood. It's not just about resolving issues - it's about sculpting a future where your relationship thrives. Are you ready to step into this new chapter?


Common solvable problems that we deal with in couples therapy often relate to

  • Digital distractions

  • Sex, intimacy and affection

  • Parenting

  • Household chores

  • Involvement of in-laws and other extra-family relationships

  • Differing ideas about financial goals 

In thriving relationships, couples often face disagreements on these issues, but their effective communication and willingness to find compromises help them reach solutions that satisfy their core needs. As long as both partners hold onto hope, they can rediscover the respect that initially formed their relationship. Life's challenges like careers, time, stress, personal growth, and raising children can sometimes strain relationships, leading to bitterness or emotional distance.

However, strategies-based couples therapy is a powerful approach to rekindle the connection and rediscover deeper shared meaning. If you're ready to strengthen your bond and find solutions that work for both of you, I'm here to help.

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