Privacy and Confidentiality Statement

At Relationship Reconnection with Donna Robinson, located in Victoria, Australia, we are committed to upholding the privacy and confidentiality of our clients in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the Australian Counselling Association (ACA) and the relevant privacy laws of Victoria. We recognise the importance of protecting your personal information and ensuring that all interactions with our practice are conducted with the utmost respect for your privacy.

1. Collection and Use of Personal Information:

We only collect personal information that is necessary and relevant to provide you with quality counselling services. This may include your name, contact details, medical history, and other information shared during your sessions. We will always obtain your consent before collecting any personal information and will only use it for the purposes specified, such as assessment, treatment, or referrals, unless required by law.

2. Confidentiality and Security:

We understand the sensitive nature of the information shared during counselling sessions. All client information, including personal details and session content, will be treated with the strictest confidence. Our counsellors adhere to the ACA Code of Ethics and maintain professional standards that require them to protect your privacy.

We employ reasonable security measures to safeguard your personal information from unauthorized access, loss, misuse, or alteration. Our systems and processes comply with industry standards to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your data.

3. Limits to Confidentiality:

As mandated by law and ethical obligations, there are specific circumstances in which we may be required to disclose your personal information without your consent. These situations include:

a. Risk of Harm: If we believe there is a risk of serious harm to you or others, we may need to disclose relevant information to protect individuals' safety or well-being.

b. Legal Obligations: In certain legal proceedings or when required by a court order, we may be obligated to share information with relevant authorities or legal entities.

c. Professional Consultation: Our counsellors may engage in professional consultation or supervision to ensure the quality of care. During these consultations, client information may be discussed, but identifying details will be kept confidential.

4. Third-Party Disclosure:

We do not disclose your personal information to third parties without your explicit consent, unless required by law or for the purpose of providing you with appropriate referrals to other healthcare professionals. We will always inform you and seek your consent before making such referrals.

5. Access and Correction:

You have the right to access and update your personal information held by our practice, subject to certain legal limitations. If you believe any of your information is inaccurate or needs to be corrected, please notify us, and we will make the necessary amendments promptly.

6. Anonymity and Pseudonymity:

Wherever possible and lawful, we provide options for you to remain anonymous or use a pseudonym during your interactions with our practice. However, in certain circumstances, such as billing or if disclosure is required by law, the use of personal information may be necessary.

7. Data Retention:

We retain client records for the period required by law and the ACA guidelines. After the specified retention period, all personal information will be securely destroyed in a manner that ensures your privacy is protected.

8. Questions and Concerns:

If you have any questions, concerns, or complaints about our privacy practices or how your personal information is handled, please contact our Privacy Officer, [Donna Robinson, at We will address your concerns promptly and work towards a satisfactory resolution.

By engaging in counselling services at Relationship Reconnection, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this Privacy and Confidentiality Statement and agree to the collection, use, and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with the principles outlined herein.

This Privacy and Confidentiality Statement is subject to regular review and may be updated to reflect changes in our practices or legal requirements.